Monday, December 15, 2008

It is time to get back into it !

Just a quick hello! to all and to say i am back in action and ready to document this crazy thing called life.  woo hoo.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


 "Be the change that you want to see in the world"
                                           - Mohandas Gandhi 

The Way of Love

   If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don't love, I've gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I am bankrupt without love.

Love never gives up
Love cares more for others than for self
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have
Love doesn't strut
Doesn't have a swelled head
Doesn't force itself on others
Isn't always me first 
Doesn't fly off the handle
Doesn't keep the score of the sins of others
Doesn't revel when others grovel
Love takes pleasure in the flowering of truth
Puts up with anything
Trust God always
Always looks for the best
Never looks back
Keeps going to the end

Love never dies.
I Corinthians 13 (the Message)

Friday, April 25, 2008

back in the us of a

 Just got  back and been faced with life's problems that would normally  astonish me, but luckily i have been able to sift through photos that remind me of the issues and life that i have just recently dealt with in another part of the world, that is India. My mornings issues can not hold a candle to what the man in this photo deals with on a daily basis. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


The journey in India is coming to an end. These shoes have covered the entire trip. If they could only talk. I am without words today. I hope the pictures I bring back offer a glimpse of what my eyes have seen.

Joshua David

Blue Bicycle


It is actually  a booth to make telephone calls in Bihar.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The streets of Patna

This is a typical sight on any and every street in Patna . Wild animals of all kind sifting through the trash that people leave on the city streets.


There actually a lot more room for passengers. The traffic is completely insane. It is the loudest, hottest and most crowded sort of traffic I have ever seen in my entire life.

Bodh Gaya

There is always some sort of surprise at every meal in Bihar. This morning it was a family of ants running in and around the table at a cafe in Bodh Gaya.

Breakfast in Bodh Gaya

A day in the life of Patna

just a glimpse of everyday life in Bihar

Friday, April 11, 2008

In bihar

Just got out of bed and realized I was in India. Bihar, India. in the small city of Bodhgaya.
I walked down the stairs to the streets and really hit me. I havent seen another american, and for that matter, i have only seen local natives. It is completely strange to be the only minority in an impoverished region. I ordered an eggroll and got just that. An actuall fried egg rolled up with mushrooms( the size of a bean burrito from Taco Bell). The traffic here is insane. People on bikes, rickshaws( not sure how to spell that) donkeys, scooter vans,people running, pigs in the street. And I am not sure where everyone is going, because therer are no jobs and we are in the middle of nowhere! My words cannot describe what my eyes have seen.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

500 flights cancelled...

....and  I was one of those flights. They have us booked for a earlier flight tomorrow from Chicago to Dehli to Patna .  Awesome !  They just aren't to sure where my luggage is.

Monday, April 7, 2008

And I am off tomorrow...

Well folks,  the plane was delayed until tomorrow because of technical issues. I get to spend a little extra time with the family tonight.  I also got the chance to see the biggest mountain of 1980's roller skates in the history of roller skates. Sweet.  

And I am off...

Leaving in 30 minutes, talk to everyone soon !!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Great Success !

Wow! Just wanted to say "Thank You" to everyone who came out and supported me last night. It was truly amazing. Thanks so much to Josh Florence and the City Tavern , without their support this would have been impossible to achieve. All that said, I officially leave for India in two days and counting. I am equally excited and freaked out. Not sure what is in store for me ( That is the freak out ) but I will have my Canon Camera every step of the way ( that is the exciting  part).
Woody Allen said it best- " 90% of success is just showing up."
So on that note, I am showing up to the airport on Monday with at least 10% more up my sleeve. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April, 4th Donation party

I am inviting everyone to:
City Tavern
April, 4th
7:30 - 9:00
A Farewell, Donation. and High Five Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Drink Specials
Dj kushi kush,
Polaroid Picture Coupons to redeem for prints from this Indian journey

India or bust

April 7th I am going to Patna, in Bihar, India.  I am donating my time to document a social initiative established by "Life" the social complex located in Deep Ellum.  

The people of Patna, the capital of Bihar, are among the poorest in India.  Efforts to create jobs, housing, schools, sanctuary, and safety have been implemented over the last couple of years.  None of these efforts have yet to be documented.

As of late, I've found myself challenged to be a better person, do more with intention, contribute, try harder, grab ahold of the day and seize it. 
I am inspired daily by infectious media.  Film and photography, pertaining to hope, change, and the strength of the human spirit, give me the energy to believe, and keep trying. 

This is my opportunity to give back and share with you through media.  
There are people like you and me, in our community, in Deep Ellum, making intentional efforts for the hope of a better world.  
My expectation is to bring back a piece of this journey, through photography.  That this journey will convey a relevant spirit in all of us, because its core foundation is based within our community.   
My hope is that this media will inspire you. Inspire me. Inspire my children.  Inspire our friends.  Inspire us to embrace our dreams, our lives, and that anything is possible.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Amazing !

new band Chameleon @ club DaDa playing dead composer music electronically !


When things get tough just put on your favorite costume and 3D glasses and relax.   


Well... where do i begin ? I guess first things first, my name is Josh Jordan and i am 31 years old and i just began to find my purpose in this haze we call "life".....