Tuesday, April 1, 2008

India or bust

April 7th I am going to Patna, in Bihar, India.  I am donating my time to document a social initiative established by "Life" the social complex located in Deep Ellum.  

The people of Patna, the capital of Bihar, are among the poorest in India.  Efforts to create jobs, housing, schools, sanctuary, and safety have been implemented over the last couple of years.  None of these efforts have yet to be documented.

As of late, I've found myself challenged to be a better person, do more with intention, contribute, try harder, grab ahold of the day and seize it. 
I am inspired daily by infectious media.  Film and photography, pertaining to hope, change, and the strength of the human spirit, give me the energy to believe, and keep trying. 

This is my opportunity to give back and share with you through media.  
There are people like you and me, in our community, in Deep Ellum, making intentional efforts for the hope of a better world.  
My expectation is to bring back a piece of this journey, through photography.  That this journey will convey a relevant spirit in all of us, because its core foundation is based within our community.   
My hope is that this media will inspire you. Inspire me. Inspire my children.  Inspire our friends.  Inspire us to embrace our dreams, our lives, and that anything is possible.

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